NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)


Evaluation Policy

The formative evaluation of the students is done as per University rules. There is a two tier system of evaluation. External evaluation is conducted by the University at the end of each semester. The dates of external evaluation are announced very early through the university website and other media. The internal examinations are conducted twice in each semester as part of internal evaluation.  Attendance, Performance in assignments and seminars also taken into account in awarding internal marks. Academic Monitoring Cell control the internal evaluation processs . Grievance redressal mechanism operates both at the department and institutional level

Internal Examinations

The internal examinations are conducted twice in each semester as part of internal evaluation.There is an examination cell which controls the conduct of internal examinations


Mohammed Shibu  (Asst. Professor, Department of Physics)

Raseena P (Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Applications)

External Examinations

External evaluation is conducted by the University at the end of each semester. The dates of external evaluation are announced very early through the university website and other media. The examinations are conducted in CCTV installed halls. There is an examination cell which controls the conduct of university examinations

Chief Superintendent of University  Examinations- Dr C Rajesh 

Deputy Chief Superintendent-Dr. Jisha VS (Asst.Professor, Department of Chemistry)