NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

CLUBS & Forums

  • ED Club
  • Institution Innovation Council
  • IEDC
  • EBSB
  • Moral Study Centre
  • Anti Narcotic
  • Road Safety
  • Red Ribbon
  • Human Rights Forum
  • Electoral Literacy Club
  • Green Campus Initiative
  • Energy Conservation Forum
  • YIP
  • Arts Club

Green Campus Initiative

The campus of MES Keveeyam College has given ample importance to Green initiatives. Green protocol has been implemented in the campus long back. We stress on less plastic rather than no plastic. Students are discouraged bringing plastic or throwing it carelessly in the campus. Flex and usage of plastic has been banned from all the programs of the college. Plastic left over in the campus are properly segregated and reused or given to recycling. Many environmental awareness programmes are being conducted regularly under various departments and clubs. Green auditing is done in the campus. A herbal garden with many rare medicinal herbs are also maintained. our activities are not only confined to the campus green awareness programmes are also conduction in the adopted village, Myladi in connection with Gramodaya project


Dr Krishna prabha.K.S


Green Audit Report


Green Auditing


Green Auditing of the campus is conducted by the Zoology department. A pre-audit awareness survey WAS conducted in the campus by randomly selecting 50 students. After the survey a Campus Green Corps was formed by including the interested students who volunteered for the conduct of green audit. Solid waste, water, carbon emission, plastic and food waste generation were assessed along with energy consumption. The number of automobiles entering in and going out of the campus was recorded to analyze the carbon emission. Solid waste was segregated for analysis. For this waste bins were placed in different areas of the campus. Biodiversity was also monitored during the audit period.