NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)


Solace to Destitute

Objective: To nourish among the college community social values, compassion, and social responsibility for fellow beings in the society

The aim of education is not only to achieve academic excellence but also to fulfil one’s responsibility towards society. In today’s self-centred and materialistic world, it is difficult to cultivate the culture of compassion and consideration to others, especially to the destitute. The college considers it as its moral responsibility to provide some solace to the less privileged sections of the society

  • Visits to old age home and children’s home

It is a programme with an objective of inculcating a sense of belonging and an empathetic approach among students and staff towards the destitute abode in the Old Age Home, ‘PratheekshaBhavan’(Home of Hope) located 12 km away from college with 200 residents, and Children’s Home, at Thavanur run by the Government of Kerala by organising regular visits to both institutions. Students go spend time with them, play games and give cultural performances, share light meals, as well as contribute monetarily or materially. On special occasions the college sponsors a day’s food for the inmates. In order to motivate and entertain the inmates of the Children’s Home, our students conduct various competitions like painting, essay writing and cultural programme for them.  In addition to this our students have also donated items like fan, sports kit, etc. 


Special School Visit


Department of Chemistry arranged visit to special school Vengad, Valancheri.

Old Age Home Visit


The students of 1st B.Sc Physics visited an old age home at thavanur on 18th January. Before the departure,principal Captain Dr Hameed sir addressed the gathering.The trip was accompanied the  tutor Dr Sailaja U. Some dates were  distributed among the inmates and cleaning lotions were  handed over to the office. Then we visited almost 76 of their inmates and interacted with them. We conducted some cultural programs for the members and tried to include them in it as well.

Enroute Hope


Department of Commerce has been organizing a weekly programme “Enroute hope - we are there with you” since 17 November, 2017. As part of the programme, PG students from Department of Commerce visit children’s home at Thavanoor on every friday at evening. Programme is intended to encourage children in their education and to give full mental support. The programme also aims to make a bond with children by spending some time and providing evening snacks.