NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)


MES Care @ Home

Care @ Home is an initiative by the college for the educational upliftment of poor children, deprived of either of their parents. Through this venture our institution provides all the required facilities from the primary level of education itself to the children irrespective of their caste or religion. The provide free tuition, education materials, health aid, dress materials, medical insurance, food and essential commodities including festival food kits, personal development and motivational workshops, counselling sessions, ability enhancement workshops, travel allowance for adoptee’s guardians to attend PTA meetings, etc.

Teachers act as mentors to analyze the educational progress of adopted students. The mentors stand for a teacher cum parent to every single student. The range of students starts from first standard to higher secondary. The adopted student is free to choose any institution in his/her convenience and is provided all required financial assistance. A male student can continue his education till he finishes his post graduation and a female student is supported until her marriage. Each adopted student is provided with four pair of new clothes and school uniforms at the beginning of the academic year. During festivals like Eid, Vishu, Onam and Christmas, the students are gifted with new clothes. Stationery and toiletry are provided regularly.

The guardians of the adoptee are free to redress their grievances and analyze the progress of the student in a monthly meeting on every second Saturday. We conduct cultural programmes, counseling sessions to promote their mental wellbeing. Selection takes place through application process and the monitoring committee will decide the least privileged from the given applications. The shortlisted adoptees will have to face a detailed enquiry by the concerned authority to ensure the deserved. Financial source is mostly made up by public contributions and sponsorship. Our student alumnae also join their hands with us by sponsoring adoptees. The Valanchery unit of MES supports the activities of Care @ Home.