NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

Institutional Policy

Quality Policy

The management and academic leadership of the institutions give PERFORMANCE ASSURANCE to all stake holders namely parents, students, faculty, administrative staff and the community. Our COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION are built into our policy of CONTINUAL QUALITY IMPROVEMENT OF HIGHER EDUCATION by establishing and implementing mechanisms and modalities ensuring EQUITY and ACCOUNTABILITY at all levels, TRANSPARENCY in procedures and ACCESS TO INFORMATION and actions.

Green Protocol

Our institution strives for excellence not only in educational activities but also in activities promoting a greater environmental awareness among the youth so as to make the world a better place to live.

Resource Mobilization Policy

The mechanism for mobilisation of resource ensures transparency and accountability. Being a government aided college; the major source of funding for running the institution comes from state government and college management. All possible efforts are done to generate funds for infrastructure development and research from various state and central governmental agencies. Attempts are made to generate funds from different non-governmental organisations. The Governing body coordinates the effective utilisation of the funds for development of the college.  The Institution is a centrally managed non-profit organisation with honorary governing body members which ensures the income generated is spent optimally in the institution itself A financial advisory body is in place to manage the management funds. The government funds are taken care of by the Planning board, UGC Cell,  DST-FIST cell and RUSA cell of the college. Tuition fee and Corporate grant are used for the infrastructure development and academic activities Government funds are optimally used for which it is sanctioned Transparency and accountability is ensured by conducting annual financial audits