NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)


Principal Message

MES Keveeyam College Valanchery has 42 years of experience in providing quality education to students belonging mostly to the rural areas of Malappuram and nearby districts. It was the long and concerted efforts of the local population under the visionary leadership of Dr. N. K. Mohammed, the first practitioner of modern medicine in this locality and Sri. K. V Mohamed, a prominent businessman and philanthropist, among others with the active involvement of MES, which consummated in the establishment of a regular college in 1981. The college has maintained a positive academic atmosphere for intellectual pursuits that has consistently been rewarded with excellence in curricular and co-curricular endeavours. The college is a govt. aided institution run by Muslim Educational Society, affiliated to the University of Calicut and included under 2(f) and 12(b) of the UGC act. It has blossomed into a premier institution offering 9 undergraduate, 6 post graduate programmes apart from various other UGC add-on courses and trainings. The institution marked another significant milestone with the sanctioning of a Research Centre to Department of Chemistry in 2014.  It was a felicitous recognition of the collegestriving for excellence when the college was conferred an ‘A+' grade in the third cycle of NAAC accreditation with CGPA 3.44. The college envisages becoming a leading centre of higher learning nurturing all-round academic excellence along with core human values: a vibrant institution which enlightens the youth just as it enriches and empowers them and remains a resource centre for the society. In order to translate this vision into action, liberal education is provided to all categories of students to shape a generation with competence and social commitment. Abiding with its avowed objective of promoting advanced learning, the college is well set to dedicate to the nation its research complex where state -of -the - art facilities for research and e-learning is arranged.  Our college is the partner institution of Study in India, a flagship programme of MHRD to attract foreign students to pursue their studies in India. We are also partners in rural development programe Unnat Bharat Abhiyan. MHRD Innovation Council functions in the college which aims at nurturing innovative ideas of students.