NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

CLUBS & Forums

  • ED Club
  • Institution Innovation Council
  • IEDC
  • EBSB
  • Moral Study Centre
  • Anti Narcotic
  • Road Safety
  • Red Ribbon
  • Human Rights Forum
  • Electoral Literacy Club
  • Green Campus Initiative
  • Energy Conservation Forum
  • YIP
  • Arts Club


Young Innovators Programme is a specially designed programme under Kerala Development and Innovation Strategic Council (K-DISC). The programme aims to empower future innovators to innovate new products, services or models to meet emerging requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs of the society more effectively through an innovative challenge. The vision of the program is ‘to expose young students to the cycle of innovation and to promote a culture of Innovation in Kerala, YIP 2019 is designed to create a deeper imprint on the academic system in the state.

YIP 2019 is structured around a philosophy of situated cognition and design-based learning, and is envisioned to be a massive, open, inclusive, collaborative, institution-based program aimed at identifying and nurturing young innovators.

  1. To prepare the next generation of youth of Kerala for the 4th Industrial Revolution and helping them apply Industry 4.0 related skills in addressing Kerala’s developmental issues..
  2. To build a conducive Innovation Ecosystem.
  3. To promote diversity, inclusion and collaboration.




This track would deal with inter-disciplinary issues or problems which require a multi-faceted approach to finding solutions. This track would also include socially relevant issues which may require intervention in the form of a social enterprise.


This track is designed with a rigor suited for solving less “wicked”, focused problems and issues, which may not require much interdisciplinary interaction. Students from Schools and Colleges would be encouraged to apply their acquired skills.


Participation of MES Keveeyam College in YIP 2019

MES Keveeyam College Valanchery registered in the YIP 2019 Programme and has been selected for the MAESTRO CHALLENGE. 10 Students from the institution will get an opportunity to participate in the event.


Dr Nabeel Rashin M
Mrs Sinija AS


Innovation Through Young Innovators Programme
