NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

Student Union

Student Union

Student Union

  The college union and its branch associations are meant for the responsible and constructive participation of the students.  They are to train students in leadership and administration and prepare them for public life. The union is constituted and function as per the actions of the University / Government


Shahinsha Abdurahiman
Ahalya M
Vice Chairperson
Ahammed Safwan K
General Secretary
Fida Lulu Sharqi
University Union Councillor
Favaz Mohamed VT
University Union Councillor
Mohamed Mirash
General Captain
Rayees Ramzan
Fine Arts Secretary
Salmanul Faris V
Student Editor