NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

CLUBS & Forums

  • ED Club
  • Institution Innovation Council
  • IEDC
  • EBSB
  • Moral Study Centre
  • Anti Narcotic
  • Road Safety
  • Red Ribbon
  • Human Rights Forum
  • Electoral Literacy Club
  • Green Campus Initiative
  • Energy Conservation Forum
  • YIP
  • Arts Club

Energy Conservation Forum


Mr Muhammed Shibu K
Student Coordinator
Student Coordinator


Energy Audit Report


Hands-on Training on LED light manufacturing technology


Energy Conservation forum along with Department of Physics conducted a hands-on training on LED light
manufacturing technology on 22nd march 20 I9. The training programme was in collaboration with Department of Physics, MES Kalladi College, Mannarkad. The training led by Rohith, II year BSc Physics student of MES Kalladi College gave training for students of various departmentsHands-on Training on LED light manufacturing technology Physics conducted a hands-on training on LED light Department of manufacturing technology on 22nd march 20 I9. The training programme was in collaboration with Department of Physics, MES Kalladi College, Mannarkad. The training led by Rohith, II year BSc Physics student of MES Kalladi College gave training for students of various departments