NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

CLUBS & Forums

  • ED Club
  • Institution Innovation Council
  • IEDC
  • EBSB
  • Moral Study Centre
  • Anti Narcotic
  • Road Safety
  • Red Ribbon
  • Human Rights Forum
  • Electoral Literacy Club
  • Green Campus Initiative
  • Energy Conservation Forum
  • YIP
  • Arts Club

Red Ribbon


RR Club MES KVM College, Valanchery started functioning on 30th June 2006 under the guidelines of Kerala State AIDS Control Society Govt. of Kerala with the following objectives.


1-      Spreading awareness about AIDS among the students

2-      Enlightening the public on various issues regarding AIDS

3-      Other extension activities like health education, rehabilitation etc.


The RR Club has membership of 25 students selected from different classes.

Office bearers:-

President                                                  Principal

Coordinator                                            Staff Member

Secretary                                                  Selected from the students

Treasurer                                                 Selected from the students


1-      Orientation Programme

2-      Refresher classes

3-      AIDS awareness programmes.

4-      Health education programmes

5-      Blood group identification camp

6-      Blood donation camps

7-      Observation of world AIDS Day etc.


The RR Club was launched in the year 2006 with a student enrolment of 25 members. Dr. Ashraf Mayin, HOD Dept. of Zoology was the founder coordinator of the Club from 2006 to 2011. Many programmes and awareness programmes have been undertaken under the auspices of the club during his period and the charge of coordinating was handed over to Prof. CK Hassan HOD Commerce after the retirement of Prof. Ashraf mayin from service.

The club is now very active as before in organizing variety programmes and achieving the set objectives.


Reja Repheeque
Student Coordinator


Annual Report 2016-17
Annual Report 2017-18
Annual Report 2018-19





The importance of June 14th, World Blood Donors’ Day, was observed in MES Keveeyam College by organizing an awareness class on the ‘Importance of Blood Donation’ by the coordinator of BDK, Tirur Taluk committee, Mr. BipinChandran on 16/06/2023 at the college auditorium by the Red Ribbon Club, NSS and NCC units of the college. We have decided to conduct a blood donation camp as part of this on July 4th, 2023. The Blood Donation Camp is decided to be conducted in collaboration with the BDK, Tirur Taluk committee and Govt. blood bank, Perinthalmanna.

World Aids Day Observation - 2022


The District wise inauguration of the programmes conducted in regard of the observation of World Aids day was held in MES  KEVEEYAM College Valancheryin association with the Red Ribbon Club of the college.  The inauguration  was done by the honourable Valanchery Municippal Chairperson, Smt. Ramla Muhammed, in the presence of the
Valanchery Health Standing Committee Chairman, Sri. Ibrahim Marath, on 1/12/2022 in the college auditorium. Many eminent personalities like the Kuttippuram Block Health Supervisor, Block Medical officer, Valanchery medical officer, etc. were present and interacted with the students. The presidential address was conducted by the district AIDS Control Officer,
Dr. Shubin. C. The college principal, Shajid P. P unveiled the AIDS day message with the students. A signature campaign was also conducted as part of this.After the official inauguration, various cultural programmes were presented by
our students.

Pencil Drawing Competition


A pencil drawing competition was organised as a part of the  observation of World Aids Day on the topic“drug abuse” on 29/11/2022 and the prizes for the winners were awarded on the day of the official inauguration.

Voluntary Blood Donation Camp


On October 11, 2022 a Voluntary Blood Donation Camp was organised in the
college jointly by the Red Ribbon Club, the NSS and NCC in association with
BDK Tirur and Govt. Hospital Perinthalmanna.

International Youth Day - 2022


The activities of the club began in this academic year with the celebration of
International Youth Day on August 12, 2022.  A Poster Making
Competition was conducted on the topic: “Creating a World for All Ages” at 1.45 pm. The best
posters were displayed in the notice board and the participants were given

Youth Day Celebration-2019



Red ribbon club observed international youth day by conducting poster making competition among the students from various departments

Blood Donation


Red Ribbon club organized voluntary Blood donation Camp along with NSS and Health Ministry of Valanchery on 23-0-2019