NAAC accredited with A+ Grade (3.44)   |   ISO 9001-2015 Certified   |   Partner Institution of MoE`s Flagship Programmes   |  NIRF Rank-51(2017)

Capacity Buiding Programmes

  • WWS
  • SSP
  • ASAP
  • Remedial Coaching
  • CCMY(Coaching Centre for Minority Youth)
  • NPTEL Local Chapter


In the twenty-first century, a high quality post secondary education is the key to national competitiveness and individual success. However, many have concerns about the career readiness of college students. This concern was what motivated MES Keveeyam College to initiate the FOCUS Programme in the college.This  initiative of the College which aims at giving necessary orientation to needy students to prepare for employment, and give them necessary guidance, motivation and mental support that enables them to identify appropriate areas for higher study and employment. It provides college library as an incubation centre to achieve their targets of knowledge acquisition and employment.

Mode of operation

Mock Test: It aims to prepare the second and final year students for entrance exams like JAM, IELTS, TOEFL, MAT, CAT ect.

Mock Interview: It is for final year students to prepare them to attend interviews for job purposes. It will reduce interview anxiety and boost confidence


Student Coordinator
Nusrath VV
Student Coordinator




In the twenty-first century, a high quality post secondary education is the key to national competitiveness and individual success. However, many have concerns about the career readiness of college students. To address this concern the IQAC of MES Keveeyam College initiated the FOCUS Programme in the college. The programme was inaugurated on 09-01-2018 by the Assistant Collector of Malappuram Mr. K. Vijayan, IAS in the college auditorium. The purpose of the program is to introduce participants to key competencies needed to perform in their functional areas and is meant to bridge the between workplace and post secondary education,